Hi all, hope you’re taking care. As we all enter a difficult period staying at home, we like to remind you that there are plenty of badges to keep your Cubs scouting and busy, that can be completed indoors. Below we have pulled out these badges and attached a link to the badge site. All the requirements are there as well as some activity ideas at the bottom of the page if you want inspiration. Alternatively you may want to order the official badge book here: https://shop.scouts.org.uk/leaders/cub-scouts-badges-and-awards-book#selection.size=One%20Size&selection.color=NULL
Badges most Cubs can do at home:
Artist: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/artist/
Astronomer: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/astronomer/
Book Reader: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/book-reader/
Chef: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/chef/
Communicator: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/communicator/
Digital Citizen staged: https://scouts.org.uk/staged-badges/digital-citizen/
DIY: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/diy/
Disability Awareness: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/disability-awareness/
Home Help: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/home-help/
Home Safety: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/home-safety/
Local Knowledge: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/local-knowledge/
Personal Safety: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/personal-safety/
Road Safety: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/road-safety/
Sports Enthusiast: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/sports-enthusiast/
Badges some Cubs can do at home:
Animal Carer: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/animal-carer/
Digital Maker staged: https://scouts.org.uk/staged-badges/digital-maker/
Gardner: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/gardener/
My Faith: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/my-faith/
Scientist: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/scientist/
Badges which Cubs can partially do at home:
Air Activities staged: https://scouts.org.uk/staged-badges/air-activities/stage-1
Environmental Conservation: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/environmental-conservation/
International: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/international/
Photographer: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/activity-badges/photographer/
Skills Challenge: https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/awards/our-skills/
Personal Challenge (your challenge half): https://scouts.org.uk/cubs/awards/personal/
Once you have completed part of/the whole badge you will need to send us evidence. You can either send Josh (Bagheera) photo/video evidence (or send to the whole parents chat to share achievement) or you can fill in a badge form, either printed or digitally and send a photo of that signed to Josh. You can find every badge form here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vnI8rY1XQ4xYmJ3TB9fa___95MgC89me?usp=sharing
We will then mark off all completed parts on OSM. You and your Cubs can see badge progress on Parent Portal under Badges. Click on the badge to see what is left to complete.
As well as filling some time, hopefully the badges will be fun and challenge the Cubs to try something new or learn a skill. I wonder how many badges and points we will award when we return?