The Scout section is open to girls and boys aged 10.5 – 14. Our Scout Troop meet on Tuesday evenings from 7 – 9pm, based at The Scout & Guide Centre, Rectory Lane, Edgware, London, HA8 7LG. View Map
Our weekly sessions
Our Tuesday meetings often consist of a mix of games and activities, ranging from cooking and crafts, to teambuilding and outdoor activity. In line with Youthshape Scouting, our programme takes inspiration from our young people – the kind of skills they want to master, the badges they want to earn and the activities they want to try out. In addition to this, we have a few repeat favourites you can expect, including cooking for Pancake Day in the spring, a few weeks of water sports in the summer, and a Bonfire Night in the autumn.
Subs is £30 per term (three terms per year), other activities often have additional costs. You’ll be made aware of these well in advance!
Our events
Outside of Tuesdays, we run a variety of events across the year, including hikes, day trips and taking part in competitions with other troops. However, it’s the camps which are often the highlight of scouting. We aim to offer a weekend camp in autumn and winter, as well as a four day Narrowboat Camp over Easter, and a week away in summer. These give young people the chance to spend time outdoors with their friends, learn new skills, and explore another part of the country.
Join us!
If your child would like to join us, please join our waiting list here. As soon as a space becomes available we will get in touch with you. Alternatively, you can contact us here to register your interest.
We’re also in need of a few adult volunteers to help us out, either as a leader or behind the scenes. Take a look at our volunteering page to find out where you could fit in.
“My daughter loves scouts group in 2nd Edgware. She wouldn’t miss a meeting, she is having so much fun there and learns so much. The leaders are just the most kind, responsible, genuine and funny people ever. I have heard so many funny stories from my daughter about her time in the group. The highlight of the year is a camping trip of course, looking forward to it next summer!!!”
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