About us…
Located just a few minutes from Edgware Station, we’ve been running Scouts here since 1929! We’re all about outdoor adventure, skills for life, and social activities. Check out our 2024 video for a glimpse of what this looks like…
Here are some of our favourite photos from the past few years at 2nd Edgware Scouts – what have been your favourite memories? Tap the arrows to scroll through…

In search of Cub leaders
We’re in search of a couple more adult volunteers to help us re-open Cubs. We have a waiting list of young people wanting to join and plenty of resources – we just need you! It’s flexible, lots of fun, and a great way to break up your weekly routine.

Celebrating 95 Years
2024 marked 95 years since our very first scout meeting. As we gear up for the big 100th, we’ve started to put together some special pages about our Group history.

Festival of Architecture
In 2023 the London Festival of Architecture came to Edgware. After the event, we worked with local architects The Edgy Collective to re-home the timber portal. It now stands proudly as the archway entrance to our garden.