On the last meeting of term, among playing party games to celebrate the end of term we had our second troop forum. A troop forum is a meeting we plan to have at the end of every term to discuss what we liked and what could’ve been improved about the past term; in which we also get the chance to suggest activities and badges we’d like to do in the future.
In our Troop Forum we all got the chance to fill in a sheet and state what we liked and didn’t like about last term, and what activities we wish to do in the future. We also discussed behavioural issues and created our own Troop Charter, a set of rules we’ve all agreed to follow to help make our Troop even better. After that we got to work, selected and voted on what badges we would like to work towards next term. We came to the agreement of working towards our Smallholder Activity Badge, Electronics Activity Badge and our World Challenge in which we might make contact to another Scout group in another country.
However, the activities we do to get these badges and of course the meeting plans and extra activities we do are being planned by the Leaders and so all of that is still a surprise!
The end of term doesn’t just mean a troop forum or party-it means the winner of the points is revealed! And, if you haven’t looked at the Points on the ‘Scouts’ page on the website already then I am glad to inform you (being the Patrol Leader of them) the Eagles won points yet again with a whopping 1770 points, storming ahead of the Wolves with 965 and the Panthers with 890! We haven’t chosen a prize trip yet, but we have our eyes on the prize for winning next term!
Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year, and by doing so I’ve drawn up a little comic for the Scouts (click to enlarge).