When I was one, I (did something rhyming with the number),

The day I went to sea

I jumped aboard a pirate ship

And the Captain said to me:

‘We’re going this way, that way, (Lean side to side)

Forwards and backwards, (Lean forwards and backwards)

Over the Irish Sea, (Use hand to make waves like a snake)

A bottle of rum to fill my tum, (Pretend to drink then rub tummy)

And that’s the life for me’ (Slap your knee on ‘me’)


Repeat the song going up in age to ten.

Often you can choose a Scout at random and ask them to make up a rhyme with the age. Below are some examples:


When I was one… I sucked my thumb…

When I was two… I lost my shoe…

When I was three… I climbed a tree…

When I was four… I opened the door…

When I was five… I learned to dive…

When I was six… I used chopsticks

When I was seven… I went to Heaven….

When I was eight… I found a mate…

When I was nine… I drank some wine…

When I was ten… I started again!…